As technology moves on and new trends and ideas arrive, I have decided to upgrade my old yahoo film group in a way that will encourage more interaction, but less clutter in your inbox. My solution? A forum! Discussions can now be more specific and deeper and the choice of which topics you wish read and discuss is up to you, rather than whatever arrives in your inbox as part of a circular. It also makes it much easier to promote yourself and share your news in the relevant categories. The yahoo film group will still function as normal and be available to all that want to stay in touch that way, but members who especially love to talk the hind legs of a donkey and yearn for a more in-depth discussion but not want to worry about overloading mailboxes can do so freely in the forum. I have set up several areas, including a professionals only area (I just learned how to make a forum private last week!) as well as area's dedicated to screenwriting, acting and independent film-making. Other specific areas can be set up on request. I hope it would then encourage a more specific dialogue between members allowing them to choose what subjects they want to get involved with as well as encouraging a larger membership base. Networking is one of the most important things in film-making.
Register and join in today! :)
Other new pages on my website are 'the screening room', which contains a list of links to the various online cinemas that are springing up all over the place. Now that pretty much anyone can make and distribute their own movies online - where does this leave the film industry in general? Another big update is my famous links page. Many more actors and directors are getting their own websites now and some seem to be quite involved with them. You can now ask many renowned actors and film-makers questions directly to them via their sites and you can find some real gems, such as Roger Moore explaining to a fan why he thinks the British film industry is failing to meet it's potential. I for one think he's got it exactly right. Even William Shatner has a Blog where you can read the delights of him selling his ex kidney stone for $75,000, with the proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity.
I intend to update my funding page next as the links seem to go out of date faster than any others!
May you enjoy the new additions. Happy surfing!