Many of you may have noticed I often seem to drop of the face of the planet, nowhere to be seen, just the occasional random appearance and quick blog... I do have a habit of randomly disappearing and have done since probably longer than you can even remember... unless you just met me of course, you will just have to use your imagination there. Anyway, "you've just been busy Jen" I hear you say and yes, that's very true as I've been extremely busy and I'll share more about that later (my next blog - it's all very exciting at the moment!)... but maybe it's just one of those crazy little things that makes me, me. I have to go and recharge and process my often overly intense creative thoughts and give my brain a rest, you know that habit of me getting very excited and cramming my life full of ideas, projects, thoughts, friends and... stuff... so I'm fit to explode...?
If you are curious of what makes me tick, what motivates me, where my potential lies and are curious to know me in a deeper cosmic sense, your curiosity can be given some possible answers through the interpretation of my chart in this book. It's actually quite astonishing the information you can find. What kind of work you are suited to, what kind of man (that was very interesting! hehehehe) and it can even show your potential for success. Thankfully, the celestial forces haven blessed me with a Venus trine MC and a Jupiter sextile MC, which means great things for my career! WooHoo! :D
Lisa has created an amazing book and if you have any interest in exploring yourself using the wisdom of my friend and the ancient art of astrology I highly recommend it (not that I'm bias or anything ;o) It's innovative presentation of astrology and its format allows you to understand, in a more practical way, your psychological make-up, how to make the most of your untapped potential and how to overcome your personal hang ups and demons.
Okay... okay... I'm just a little excited!! So excited that I had to share this glorious news, now it's become official. There is an official MySpace Page for the book and if you're very lucky the author Lisa Tenzin-Dolma will stop by and say hello. The book could be released anytime from September-November, but is currently available for pre ordering on Amazon. I'm sure I'll give you all a reminder when it's out! =)
If you are on MySpace like me, the meantime please add Teach Yourself Astrology to your friends list:
Thank you my dear friends!
Happy Creating!
Love, Jen xx